A rivet is often an irreparable mechanical fastener constituting a burnished cylindrical shaft alongside a head on one end, and a tail on the other end. During this process as per Stainless Steel Rivet Manufacturers, the tail of the rivet is usually bent out of shape, hence it expands around 1.5th the initial diameter of the cylindrical shaft, keeping the rivet in the desired place. The procedure of pounding results in the formation of a completely new head by flattening the tail end. There are also different heads of the rivet, and you can consult with the right rivet manufacturer to get the best deals on rivet.

Types of Rivets

Stainless Steel Rivet Manufacturers have classified rivets into eight categories:

  • Blind or Pop rivets are put to use in diverse sectors such as aerospace, electronics, and ship-making industries. When the other side of the object to be joined is not visible, blind riveting comes to play.
  • Drive rivets have a short mandrel that bulges out from the head and is positioned into the hole to flare using a hammer. They are polished, and you usually get warranty on the products that you buy in bulk from online.
  • Flush rivets, also known as countersink rivets, are basically utilized for the extraneous surface to impart a proper look and terminate any sort of aerodynamic friction.
  • Friction-lock rivet generally resembles the expanding bolts. These rivets too are put to use in aerospace applications.
  • Oscar rivets are somewhat similar to blind rivets, the only difference lies in the fact that there is a division along the hollow cylindrical shaft. This split along the shaft, which comes in groups of three, results in the shaft bending forward as one draws the mandrel into the rivet.
  • Self-piercing rivets do not require any punching whole or drill to join any two surfaces. Rather these rivets basically run through the top surface without completely piercing the bottom sheet.
  • Solid or round head rivets are one of the oldest and most reliable forms of rivets. It is simply composed of a shaft and a head which is put together with the aid of the rivet gun or simply a hammer.
  • Structural steel rivets as the name suggests were used to join steel surfaces. Nowadays such rivets have been replaced by high-strength nuts and bolts.

Purpose of Rivets

Stainless Steel Rivet Manufacturers have mentioned that the purpose of the rivet is quite identical to that of a nut and bolt. Unlike when using nuts and bolts, which can easily be unscrewed and dismantled the two joined surfaces.

High-quality stainless-steel rivets have the capability to withstand the vibrations of the surface where it is used. The heads of the rivets are known to reduce axial movements of the surfaces. Therefore, they can be put to use in the construction of bridges, dams, pressure tanks, cranes, etc.

Process of Installation of Rivet

There are several methods of installing a rivet. Stainless Steel Rivet Manufacturers points out various techniques of installing a rivet. they can be installed manually using a hammer or a bucking bar.  In this procedure, the tool in touch with both ends wraps up to disfigure the rivet. The process of installation can also be narrated by the manufacturer as there are different types of rivets like aluminum rivet, pop rivet, blind rivet and the ones that are made of mild steel.


To conclude, riveting can be understood as a powerful process aiding in joining two surfaces together. Many Stainless Steel Rivet Manufacturers, are very particular regarding the type of material a rivet should be made of in order to increase its efficacy.